For learning, healing, growing, and being in community.

This is a place where you can be in an active process of learning, growing, and healing in the company of others who are committed to doing the same. Our path together will be illuminated by Buddhist wisdom, compassion teachings, Jungian psychology, trauma-informed psychology, somatic experiencing, nervous system regulation, breathwork, and more.

This program is for you if

  • You'd like to be held in a space of active learning and growing.

  • You'd enjoy the benefits of community support and accountability along your inner work journey.

  • You enjoy learning from a diverse range of sources, from the ancient, to the poetic, to the emergent and scientific.

  • You want practical tools that will help you apply your self-discoveries to your daily life, the choices you make, and the way you engage with others.

  • You would enjoy being part of an intergenerational, international community of all orientations and diverse races. We learn so much from each other when we have exposure to the infinite variations of the experience of being human here.

How This Subscription Program Works

We'll meet on a live call the last Sunday of every month from 9-10:30am PT. These calls are recorded and can be accessed anytime from anywhere, for as long as you are subscribed.

Each month, I'll offer a new teaching with practical ways for you to work with and integrate the teaching for the month that follows. (Topics will include shadow work, nervous system regulation, forgiveness, compassion, and other deep, transformative inner work topics.)

Between calls, you'll have a private and supportive online space in which to share your process and your questions with your fellow Inner Work Circle members. Within that community, you'll also have opportunities to establish accountability buddies or accountability groups.

There will also be optional books to read and discuss together, as well as occasional guest hosts.

Sample Schedule

(Actual schedule is subject to change.)

  • MAY 2023: Sensory Integration + Belonging with nature

  • JUNE 2023: An overview of the nervous system + the impact of stress and trauma

  • JULY 2023: Coming into authenticity + congruence

  • AUG 2023: Breath

  • SEPT 2023: Hyper-independence + the art of asking for help

  • OCT 2023: Shadow Work

  • NOV 2023: Communication skills that create connection

  • DEC 2023: Dreaming and visioning the future

  • JAN 2024: Remedies to Self-Sabotage

  • FEB 2024: Imposter Syndrome


This is a community subscription program where you will learn, heal, and grow amongst like-hearted and like-minded individuals. The inner work journey, travelled in community, takes on a softer tone as you are both affirmed by others in the challenges and complexities of being human, as well as inspired to stay on track and in your process. I've been building this community for years now, and find it to be one of the most supportive, kind, and open-minded communities I've ever known. I think you'll find it to be a beautiful, grounding, and supportive community in which to nourish and open yourself.

You might consider inviting a close friend to join us as well. Healing and growing can sometimes feel isolating. But it doesn't have to. Joining this program together can give you deep and valuable ways to connect with each other, understand each other, and support one another.

About Julia

Julia Frodahl is a spiritual teacher and mentor, and the founder of "Training A Million Compassionate People", a cultural well-being and transformation project. She believes that transforming ourselves is how we transform the world. Julia holds an honors degree in Philosophy & Humanities from the University of San Francisco, as well as various certifications in the healing arts. She's studied Western psychology (primarily Jungian and Process-Oriented psychology), Buddhism, and nature-based wisdom for over 30 years. Through world travels and walkabouts, she's continuously sought out the kind of wisdom that cannot be learned in the classroom, and has made it her life’s work to understand the human psyche and spirit deeply.


“Julia has a way of synthesizing the most complex ideas into something practical and relatable, into ideas and practices that I can apply to my daily life. Never have I met someone with such an obvious wealth of knowledge, and the warmest of hearts as Julia. I feel this is her secret formula: she truly cares, and her heart is present. She listens, and then seems to reach into her library of knowledge to share a reflection, a story, a philosophy, a theory, or a practice that meets me where I am and helps me see a new way of going forward with less struggle. My way of moving through life is so much more gracious and easeful since I began working with Julia. If you are thinking about working with her, please don’t hesitate to give yourself this life-changing gift.” - K. Farrell

"From the first 5 minutes of a Skype chat I had with Julia, I knew she was the support I was looking for. Her presence through the computer was so grounded and present that it demanded that I slow down (and still does after 2 years) and be present in a way I wasn't used to after 9 years living in hustle bustle NYC. Not only has she guided me through some of the deepest excavations of my soul and my biggest life events, she's also taught me how to be a better healer purely by the way she shows up and listens. I cannot recommend this woman enough. My life is better for having been bold enough to make the investment in myself and discerning enough to wait until I found just the right energetic support." - D. Balicki

"Julia's work seems made of a fierce yet gentle love that continues to steer me through my own inner-workings. Her illuminating Mapping Of The Psyche has helped me unearth tools to connect and communicate with my Self in sustaining, transformative ways I never imagined possible. One session with her in the safe and inspired space she provides and I feel at once capable, resolved, and present. Indeed, Julia is like a spirit deer you find in an urban jungle of noise and chaos, who guides you back to the forest that is home. To work with her is truly a gift." - Katie W.

"Working with Julia has been the best thing I've ever done for myself. Learning to see myself and the world through her looking glass has improved my life in every way, from how I feel inside, to how I make decisions, how I carry myself at work, and how I communicate with my partner. I look forward to my sessions with Julia every week. Even the times when I think I have nothing to talk about, she manages to lure out the real essence of the moment in a way that moves me forward. Julia is articulate, intuitive, loving, perceptive, and so very genuine. She is a true teacher, and healer. I am so grateful for all that she has shared with me." - D. Brooks

“Julia is the real deal. She is the guide you want for your journey through both your inner world and your outer life. You will not find anyone who embodies what they teach more then she does. Truly. Look no further.” - Brandi M.


  • Are there any prerequisites for joining this circle?

    No. However, you will benefit if at some point you take my three foundational courses: Compassion Immersion Part One, Become Ocean, & The Map To Wholeness & Self-Love. They will give you a strong foundation in my more essential teachings, and the general mindset we work from in this Inner Work Circle. But again, they are not prerequisites. You could get to them as time and other resources allow.

  • What's your cancellation and refund policy?

    While we cannot provide refunds for months past, you may cancel your subscription anytime on your own.

  • Are the calls in this program downloadable?

    No, this is a subscription program. You have access to the materials in this program for as long as you are subscribed. This is also for privacy reasons. On our calls, community members openly discuss personal matters. Thus, the recordings of these calls are held safely within the community.